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Friday, July 24, 2009
PPD ARO Newsletter, Number 2 (1 April 2009 to 30 June 2009)
The purpose of this report is to detail the main activities that PPD ARO was able to carry out during the second quarter of 2009.
PPD ARO has been able to undertake several activities to deliver on its mission. The activities that were carried out can be summarized as follows:
1- Workshop to develop and adopt the Strategic Plan for Parliamentary Committees on Health, HIV, Child Welfare and Population in East and Southern Africa (SEAPACOH)
During the month of March 2009, PPD ARO held a workshop for the steering committee members of the parliamentary committees on Health, HIV, Child Welfare and Population in East and Southern Africa (SEAPACOH) to develop and adopt its Strategic Plan. The workshop was held on April 6-9 and was attended by 22 participants (both steering committee members and technocrats). The output of the workshop was a SEAPACOH Strategic Plan (2009 – 2013) that would guide SEAPACOH’s work as well as its resource mobilization efforts.
Through a participatory process, SEAPACOH formulated its strategic direction and articulated the Alliance’s priority areas of business focus and strategic interventions during the period 2009-2013. The three main areas of focus identified include:
• Ensuring needs-based resourcing of the health sector
• Ensuring effective domestication, implementation and compliance with agreed upon commitments in the health sector by governments, and
• Ensuring sustainability of the Alliance
The Alliance would work in close collaboration amongst its members as well as other partners at national, regional and international level to address specific objectives focusing on attainment of the goal of nurturing a culture of health as a basic human right for all the people of the member countries.
2- Presentation of the concept note on PPD ARO’s role in the implementation of the SADC SRH Strategic Plan
A team from PPD ARO attended the Joint technical meeting for SADC member states as invited in an observer status to consider proposals for cooperation between the SADC Secretariat and the PPD ARO in the implementation of the SADC’s Reproductive Heath Strategy.
During the meeting, the Regional Director of PPD ARO had the opportunity to present the concept note on PPD ARO’s role in the implementation of the SADC SRH Strategic Plan. The meeting was held on April 14 – 17, 2009 at Zebra Lodge, Pretoria, South Africa.
Members states represented at the meeting were Democratic Republic of Congo, Lesotho, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Seychelles, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania and Zimbabwe. Also presented were representatives from Partners in Population and Development Africa Regional Office (PPD ARO) and United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA),
SADC member states commended PPD ARO for the comprehensive presentation and approved the SADC SRHR implementation plan that was presented by PPD ARO. It was agreed that the implementation plan by PPD ARO be part of the report for presentation to the SADC Health Ministers meeting planned for July 13-15, 2009 was to be sent to the ministers meeting.
A key recommendation made at the meeting was that PPD ARO should share the opportunity of making more Africa countries members of PPD. It was also recommended that the SRHR implementation should be expedited.
3- Uganda Parliamentary Forum on Millennium Development Goals (UPFMDG) Strategic Plan Workshop
With Support from Partners in Population and Development Africa Regional Office, the Uganda Parliamentary Forum on Millennium Development Goals (UPFMDG) organized a one day workshop on April 27, 2009 at Imperial Royal Hotel, Kampala, Uganda.
The main objective of this one day workshop was to develop and adopt UPFDMG’s Strategic Plan (2009-2013) that would guide its work within the country as well as propel the Forum’s agenda towards the achievement of MDG’s.
4- Uganda Parliamentary Forum on Youth Affairs (UPFYA) Strategic Plan Development Workshop
With Support from Partners in Population and Development Africa Regional Office, UNFPA, DSW and PACE (PSI), the Uganda Parliamentary Forum on Youth Affairs (UPFYA) organised a one day workshop on June 24, 2009 at Imperial Royale Hotel. The main objective of this one day workshop was to develop and adopt UPFYA’s Strategic Plan (2009-2013) that would guide its work within the country considering the representational, legislative, budgetary appropriation and oversight roles of parliamentarians in this forum as it focuses its support to the youths. This Strategic Plan sets out UPFYA’s strategic thrusts that will enable the Forum realize its vision, mission, mandate and objectives, and thus contribute to the empowering of young people in particular and enhancing their well being in general.
5- Resource mobilization
PPD ARO held meetings with potential partners. These included IntraHealth and Engender Health. The discussions covered possible areas of collaboration and PPD ARO shared its 2009 work plan and delineated area of collaboration and partnership. During those meetings, IntraHealth and Engender Health showed interest in collaborating with the Office to carry out some of its programmed activities for the year 2009.
6- International seminars and meetings
6.1- AU Africa Ministers of Health Conference, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
The Regional Director of PPD ARO attended the AU Africa Ministers of Health Conference, Addis Ababa that was held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, May 4 – 8, 2009. The conference was attended by delegates from 34 African Union (AU) member states and 49 non-African embassies accredited to the AU, RECs, RHOs, UN specialized agencies, Intergovernmental and Non Governmental Organizations, cooperating partners and invited observers.
The Conference provided an important forum for member states, development partners and other stakeholders to share their strategies and activities to improve maternal, neonatal and child health mortality rates. The principal lesson retained by the participants from the experts meeting was the crucial leadership role that Ministers and governments have on the HRH management and reduction of maternal and child mortality rate. Positive examples undertaken by governments of Rwanda, Ethiopia and the Cape Verde were cited as Best Practices.
6.2- International Seminar on S-S Cooperation for Population and Development, Taicang, China
The Regional Director of PPD ARO attended a meeting in Taicang, China on May 13-15, 2009. The meeting also gathered representatives from other agencies, institutions, and donors.
Participants noted that the broad concept of RH has been understood and translated by a number of countries in the form of concrete initiatives such as policies and programmes.
The Regional Director of PPD ARO used the occasion in these meetings to make presentation the impact of Global Financial Crisis on Population and Development and the need for South-South collaboration and PPD ARO’s work in the continent.
There was call for renewed commitment from the member countries to support each other through South-South collaboration to address the resource mobilization gap among other issues.
6.3- Joint PPD ARO/IntraHealth Advocacy Mission to Rwanda
The Regional Director of PPD ARO made a joint advocacy mission to Rwanda on May 19-23. The purpose of the joint advocacy mission was to meet policy makers and development to dialogue on issues of funding for reproductive health. The joint mission also was an opportunity for discussion of Rwanda’s best practices on reproductive health including financing.
6.4- Annual Session of UNFPA Executive Board Meeting and Breakfast Meeting
The Regional Director of PPD ARO participated in the UNFPA Executive Board Meeting and Breakfast Meeting. During the meeting it was noted that the ongoing financial crisis has resulted in a significant economic downturn around the world.
It is estimated that one third of all developing countries – mostly in Africa and Asia – are highly exposed to the effects of the crisis on poverty. The slowing down of economic growth in the developing world can also contribute to a weakening of national social protection systems, decreased spending on social development, and a decline in public health budgets and expenditures.
Furthermore, the serious economic downturn in the developed world and the volatility in the currency markets have raised concerns about implications of the crisis for official development assistance (ODA). The combination of these factors endangers access to both public and private reproductive health services, particularly family planning and safe delivery services.
In his remarks, Dr. Musinguzi noted that, to prevent the ensuing human crisis, which can undo years of progress and further challenge achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). He advocated for the implementation of the Abuja target of 15 per cent of the national budget to health and preservation of the donor countries’ commitment to meet the targets of 0.7 per cent of gross national product for ODA and 0.15 to 0.2 per cent to least developed countries (LDCs).
More information is available at:
6.5- Congressional Briefing
Dr. Jotham Musinguzi, Regional Director of Partners in Population and Development Africa Regional Office (PPD ARO) spoke about maternal health in Africa at a United States Congressional briefing on 5 June 2009. The topic of the briefing was "Africa's Future: Improving the Health of Mothers and Children" and was sponsored by the Association of Population Centers, Population Action International, Population Association of America, Population Council, Population Reference Bureau, Population Resource Center, and UCLA Bixby Center on Population and Reproductive Health.
In his presentation, Dr. Musinguzi pointed out the effects of maternal mortality—-the lost lives, rights, and productivity—-and the range of effective, low-cost strategies to improve the health of mothers and children. "What is the message?" Dr. Musinguzi asked in conclusion. "No woman should lose her life while giving life."
More information on the Congressional Briefing is at:
The entire video briefing is available at:
6.6- 7th Annual Summer Institute in Reproductive Health & Development, The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Patrick Mugirwa (Programme Officer) and Diana Nambatya (Associate Programme Officer), PPD ARO attended the 7th Annual Summer Institute in Reproductive Health & Development at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, USA on June 1-12, 2009.
The course focused on reproductive health and development analytical skills for policy and programs. Participants were introduced to contemporary population, reproductive health and development issues, measures and indicators. Analytic and interpretative skills to understand linkages between demographic change, sexual and reproductive health outcomes, and economic and social development. Participants were also guided through policy and program analyses using programs such as STAT Complier and spectrum to inform the future development needs.
More information is available at:
6.7- Human Resources for Maternal Survival (Task- shifting to non-physician clinicians)
The Regional Director of PPD ARO attended the first African Regional Meeting on "Human Resources for Maternal Survival: Task-shifting to Non-Physician Clinicians" which took place in Addis Ababa from 29 June - 2 July 2009.
It aimed at consolidating existing and new evidence on the use of Non-Physician Clinicians (NPCs) and move towards specific implementation steps to scale up NPCs as part of a team of health professionals necessary to expand Emergency Obstetric Care and meet MDG 5.
The meeting was organized by the Ethiopian Ministry of Health & Ministry of Education, the United Nations Population Fund and Columbia University (USA).
Alongside the Ethiopian Minister of Health, Dr Mubashar Sheikh, the Executive Director of the Global Health Workforce Alliance, participated in a panel discussion with representatives of donors, professional associations, UN agencies, NGOs and advocacy groups on mobilizing technical, financial and political support for action on enhancing maternal and newborn survival.
7- Calendar
Please also see the PPD ARO website for the full, updated calendar of events for 2009:
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Drop in Family Planning Funding Undermines Other Humanitarian Goals
In 1994 the International Conference on Population and Development took place in Cairo and alerted the world to issues of population and development, and the severe consequences for inaction. Following this highly publicized conference, countries worldwide were eager to commit funding, but after reaching a peak in 1995 with U.S.$723 million allotted, a drastic decline has occurred worldwide. The latest estimate, for 2007, shows contributions totaling only about $338 million, which according to UNFPA senior demographer Stan Bernstein, is "a hell of a decline." Furthermore, if one takes inflation into account the decrease appears even more severe.
The recent decline in funding not only hurts family planning services, but also threatens to undermine other humanitarian achievements such as advents made in the arenas of poverty and hunger. Unless their is renewed attention to issues of population and development, as well as an increase in funding for family planning, high fertility, especially in sub-Saharan Africa will simply exacerbate related humanitarian problems such as poverty. UNFPA Executive Director Thoraya A Obaid explains how "We have to protect the gains made and ensure that these gains do not slip back" in order to make any sustainable progress.
In an effort to prioritize issues of population and development, UNFPA convened 30 family planning experts in New York late this June including representatives from Bangladesh, Colombia, Guatemala, Kenya, India, Senegal, Tanzania, Uganda, the U.K. and the U.S. What they found was that countries who felt that they had made significant strides in reproductive health and effective family planning, were compelled to shift funding to other problems that seemed to require more attention. What they failed to realize however, is that such a monetary commitment must be continued if any lasting progress is to be made. Furthermore, many prior efforts were aimed at a specific age group of sexually active young men and women. Now that funding has been decreased, international programmes are having to choose what areas to focus on. This means that someone who was a child during the initial wave of family planning funding, will now find that resources and services are more limited as they become sexually active, and that the only information they will receive is that which funding will allow. One prominent example is in sub-Saharan Africa, where the limited funding has been focused almost entirely on HIV and AIDS, and has failed to address other important issues such as abortion and contraception.
Without an increase in funding, not only will family planning and reproductive health services be diminished, but an endless cycle connecting population with other humanitarian issues will relentlessly continue. If we are to make any strides regarding other issues, such as global warming or hunger, we must continue to address the core of every problem, namely , population. It is PPD's hope that a recommitment to the original goals of the ICPD will occur, and that the United State's recent increase in funding to family planning will emphasize the necessity of such a financial commitment.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Second HPV Vaccine Approved by WHO
Monday, July 13, 2009
Senate Appropriations Committee Increases 2010 Funding for Global Health Programmes
Of the $48.69 billion allotted, global health programs will receive $7.8 billion for their continued efforts. This amount is not only $434 million above the 2009 fiscal year request, but also $178 million above this years request, emphasizing a realization of the need for substantial funding in order to continue and improve efforts to address issues of global health. Within the $7.8 billion budget, $555 million will be allotted to child survival and maternal health, $628.5 million for family planning and reproductive health programmes, which includes an allocation of $50 Million for the UN Population Fund, $5.709 billion to combat HIV/AIDS, and an additional $700 million for the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.
In addition to increased funding for family planning, the Senate Appropriations Committee went a step further and adopted an amendment proposed by Rep. Frank Lautenberg, D- New Jersey, which "would make permanent Obama's decision earlier this year to revoke a policy prohibiting U.S. aid to overseas organizations that promote or perform abortions." Under George Bush, U.S. taxpayer money, in the form of family planning funding, was banned from going to any international family planning groups that either performed abortions, or offered any sort of information, counseling or referrals which supported abortion. Also known as the "Mexico City Policy" or the "Global Gag Rule" this policy was introduced by the Reagan administration in 1984, overturned by President Clinton in 1993, restored by President Bush in 2001, and most recently overturned by President Obama earlier this year. By agreeing upon this new amendment, further administrations would be forced to accept the most recent stance adopted by President Obama, and must continue to allow funding for family planning organizations that promote abortions, regardless of any future leader's opinion on this issue.
To read more about the Senate Appropriations Committee's funding breakdown, you can access their FY 2010 Department of State Foreign Operations and Related Programs Appropriations summary at:
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Dr. Musinguzi on World Population Day 2009
Saturday, 11 July 2009
In these times of global economic crisis, our families, communities and nation face increasingly difficult decisions about how to spend scarce financial resources. We hear dismal statistics repeated in the newspapers and online: the economy of developed countries (measured by GDP) is predicted to fall 4.5% in 2009 and world trade will fall nearly 10% (The World Bank’s annual Global Development Finance (GDF) report:
For example, in Uganda, remittances are down 47%, from $504.04 million to $267.32 million ( and USh2.5trn of Uganda’s budget this year (33%) is to come from donor support. Yet it is widely known that donor countries’ official development aid (ODA) is reduced when their economies face turmoil ( and Roodam, D. (2008). ‘History says Financial Crisis Will Suppress Aid’. Centre for Global Development Website,
What started as a financial issue of the US and Europe is now clearly a global crisis that is hitting Africa hard. It is already affecting our progress toward reducing poverty. Uganda and other developing countries are negatively impacted in the economic crisis because of our reliance on remittances from family overseas and official development aid (ODA) for national budget support.
We know that women and children in developing countries will bear the brunt of the impact of the global financial crisis. Yet we must face this harsh reality with the knowledge we have on what works in development. We must invest in critical services to mitigate the impact on women and allow them to contribute to the economic productivity of their families, communities, and our country.
Funding for reproductive health, prevention of HIV, and preventative health care in general can be viewed by both families and policy makers as non-essential services. Yet dropping these critical services leads to increases in maternal and infant death and disability.
Investing in family planning and reproductive health services not only is good for women’s health and rights (UN resolution on "Preventable maternal mortality and morbidity and human rights", June 17, 2009), it makes economic sense—each $1 invested in contraceptive services will avoid between $1.7 and $4 in expenditures on maternal and newborn health, in addition to cost-savings in education, water sanitation, and immunization. Investing in family planning services reduces maternal mortality, improves child survival, promotes women's empowerment and contributes to poverty reduction.
On 11 July 2009, people around the world will observe the 20th World Population Day. Over the past 20 years, we have seen investments in health and education for women and girls leading to increases in productivity, agricultural yields, and national incomes in developing countries.
Yet, there is still much to be achieved. For example, at the 2009 Commission on Population and Development, the Government of Uganda recognized the high population growth rate of 3.2%, “unacceptably high levels of illiteracy (30%), high infant mortality rate (76/1000 live births), high maternal mortality ratio (435/100,000 live births); low life expectancy (average of 51 years); and a high rate of HIV/AIDS (6.4%).” Yet while a number of these indices have improved over the last 10 years, Uganda has not made a significant positive step in terms of the population growth rate, fertility rate and contraceptive usage (
Every year, 265,000 mothers in sub-Saharan Africa die in childbirth from preventable causes. In Uganda alone, approximately 6,000 women die every year due to pregnancy complications. Women bleed to death, they do not have access to antibiotics to prevent simple infections; they often do not have the option of a caesarean section when it is necessary. We can prevent these tragedies by providing women with prenatal care, skilled attendance at births, and emergency obstetric care.
Maternal mortality has significant impact on women, families and our country--in terms of lost lives, rights, and national productivity (GDP) (Maternal mortality has a statistically significant negative effect on GDP
We have a blueprint for what we need to do, in Africa and globally—we must fund and implement the 2006 Maputo Plan of Action of the African Union Conference of Ministers of Health (later ratified by African Heads of State). This plan of action aligns with global frameworks and agreements such as the global commitment to universal access to reproductive health services by 2015 of the International Conference on Population and Development Programme of Action (ICPD PoA) agreed to by 179 countries in 1994 and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
In order to fulfill our commitments, we must use our resources wisely. This can best be done in developing countries by sharing our experiences and good practices through South-South cooperation and learning from the successes of our brothers and sisters in other developing countries. We need to look to the example set by other countries like Egypt, Malaysia, Thailand, South Africa and Sri Lanka, who have successfully lowered their rates of maternal ill-health through sustained financial and political commitment. Between 1992-93 and 2000, Egypt reduced its maternal mortality ratio (MMR) over 50% due to the focused efforts of the Ministry of Health and Population to improve access to, and quality of maternal and reproductive health services, reduce fertility rates, and improve antenatal care utilization and skilled attendance at delivery ( With concentrated efforts, significant improvements in reducing maternal mortality are achievable.
South-South cooperation is a tool that we must take advantage of to both share our knowledge with other developing countries and to learn from their experiences, as well. Developed countries will be increasingly focused on their own problems, leaving us as developing countries to partner and learn from each other as we all strive towards the attainment of the common ICPD goals and MDGs. We must take advantage of our knowledge of local conditions and solutions.
We have the shared knowledge to implement effective, low-cost strategies to improve the health of mothers and children. What we now need is the commitment of community and political leaders to support health progammes that work and to fund the policies and commitments they have made.
We must commit ourselves to ending the tragedy of maternal mortality. No woman should lose her life while giving life.
by Dr. Jotham Musinguzi, M.D., M.P.H.
The writer is the Regional Director of Partners in Population and Development Africa Regional Office (
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
World Population Day- 11 July 2009

Partners in Population and Development Africa Regional Office (PPD ARO) celebrates World Population Day with PPD member countries and calls on all donor and developing countries to fulfill their promises to women.
In these times of global economic crisis, our families, communities and nation face increasingly difficult decisions about how to spend scarce financial resources. We hear dismal statistics repeated in the newspapers and online: the economy of developed countries (measured by GDP) is predicted to fall 4.5% in 2009 and world trade will fall nearly 10%. It is widely known that donor countries’ official development aid (ODA) is reduced when their economies face turmoil.
What started as a financial issue of the US and Europe is now clearly a global crisis that is hitting Africa hard. It is already affecting our progress toward reducing poverty. Developing countries are negatively impacted in the economic crisis because of our reliance on remittances from family overseas and official development aid (ODA) for national budget support.
The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Executive Director, Thoraya Ahmed Obaid underscores that during these times of global economic crisis, decision-makers have to increase resources for reproductive health, including family planning. "We can make greater progress for women and families. There is no smarter investment, with such high economics and social returns, than investing in the health and rights of adolescent girl and women."
And the United Nations Secretary-General, Ban Ki-Moon stated that “investing in women’s health, especially reproductive health, can not only save the lives of half a million mothers, but also unleash an estimated $15 billion in productivity each year. . . Together, let us advance the rights of women and girls, and empower them as highly productive members of society capable of contributing to economic recovery and growth. There can be no better investment on this day or any other.”
For more information and resources, please see
Combattez la Pauvrete: Eduquez vos Filles
Investir dans les femmes est un choix avise
Nul ne sait encore quelle ampleur atteindra la présente crise économique mondiale. Nous savons que les femmes et les enfants des pays en développement supporteront le plus gros de son impact. Ce qui a commencé comme une crise financière dans les pays riches s'élargit maintenant en une crise économique mondiale qui frappe durement les pays en développement. Elle affecte déjà les progrès réalisés vers la réduction de la pauvreté.
Les politiques décidées en réponse à la crise qui s'inspirent du rôle des femmes en tant qu'agents économiques peuvent faire beaucoup pour atténuer les effets de la crise sur le développement, surtout parce que les femmes, plus que les hommes, investissent leurs gains dans la santé et l'éducation de leurs enfants. Il faut investir dans la santé publique, l'éducation, les soins aux enfants et les autres services sociaux. Cela atténue l'impact de la crise sur la famille entière et augmente la productivité au profit d'une économie plus saine.
Protéger les avancées réalisées
Les investissements dans l'éducation et la santé des femmes et des filles ont été liés à des augmentations de la productivité, des rendements agricoles et du revenu national — qui tous contribuent à la réalisation des OMD. Les investissements de cette nature faits par les gouvernements dans le monde entier ont augmenté les taux d'inscription scolaire, diminué l'écart entre les sexes dans l'éducation, apporté aux personnes atteintes du sida des médicaments qui les sauvent, étendu la prévention du VIH, fourni des moustiquaires pour prévenir le paludisme et amélioré la santé infantile grâce à l'immunisation.
Pour plus d'informations et de ressources, s'il vous plaît voir
Parliamentarians Urge G8 Leaders not to Reduce ODA Levels
Two weeks before the G8 Summit in L' Aquila, Italy, more than 100 Parliamentarians, representatives and experts of International Organisations and civil society organisations participated in the fifth annual G8 Parliamentarians' Conference, entitled 'Strategic Investments in Times of Crisis – The Rewards of Making Women's Health a Priority', in Rome from June 22nd to 23rd 2009.
The conference was hosted by the Italian Parliamentary Working Group on Global Health and Women's Rights and organised by GCAP Italy, Action Aid, the Italian Association for Women in Development (AIDOS), the German Foundation for World Population (DSW) and the European Parliamentary Forum on Population and Development (EPF) in co-operation with Action Canada for Population and Development (ACPD), the Asian Population and Development Association (APDA) and Interact Worldwide.
The Conference provided an unique opportunity for the Parliamentarians present to interact and strategise on meeting G8 commitments with fellow devoted Parliamentarians from around the world, as well as Government representatives and international organisations such as UNFPA, WHO, IPPF, Population Council and the International Women’s Health Coalition (IWHC).
Parliamentarians agreed that now is the time to act through strong, well focused and effective programs, that donor as well as recipient governments alike have a shared responsibility for reaching the MDGs with donor governments to create clear objectives, timelines and resources and for the recipient countries to put in place effective measures that will ensure the transparent and effective use of development aid.
The parliamentarians concluded with a very strong and forward-looking statement, entitled the 'Parliamentary Appeal to G8 Heads of State and Government' which will be delivered to the G8 Heads of State and Government. The declaration amongst others calls upon the G8 Heads of State not to reduce ODA levels in light of the economic crisis and to reaffirm existing commitments to fund US$ 60 Billion through Official Development Assistance for addressing the health-related needs in development countries over five years including support for health systems strengthening and efforts to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and malaria based on concrete action plans and clear timetables, to invest in maternal and infant health as being the most cost-effective way to achieve the Millennium Development Goals, and to promote gender equality by enacting development policies which protect young girls and their rights, educate young girls and boys, empower women and involve men in becoming active participants in the above.
To read the final appeal click here.
Source: Project RMA Monthly Update. To read past issues and subscribe, go to:
Project RMA credits: GCAP Italy, Action Aid, AIDOS, DSW and EPF, ACPD, APDA and Interact Worldwide.
Parlementaires Exhorter les dirigeants du G8 de ne pas réduire les niveaux de l'APD- G8 Conférence parlementaire invite instamment les dirigeants du G8 de ne pas réduire les niveaux de l'APD à la lumière de la crise économique et le respect des engagements de femmes et filles de la santé
Deux semaines avant le Sommet du G8 à L 'Aquila, Italie, plus de 100 parlementaires, les représentants et les experts des organisations internationales et organisations de la société civile ont participé à la cinquième édition annuelle du G8 Conférence parlementaire, intitulé «Investissements stratégiques en temps de crise - Les primes de Faire de la santé des femmes une priorité », à Rome, du 22e au 23 Juin 2009.
La conférence a été organisée par le Groupe de travail parlementaire italienne sur la santé mondiale et les droits des femmes et organisé par l'AMCP en Italie, Action Aid, l'Association italienne pour les femmes dans le développement (AIDOS), la Fondation allemande pour la population mondiale (DSW) et le Forum parlementaire européen sur la population et le développement (EPF), en collaboration avec Action Canada pour la population et le développement (ACPD), l'Asie et l'Association pour le développement de la population (APDA) et Interact Worldwide.
La conférence a fourni une occasion unique pour les parlementaires présents à interagir et à une stratégie sur la réunion du G8 avec des engagements consacrés parlementaires du monde entier, ainsi que des représentants du gouvernement et des organisations internationales comme le FNUAP, l'OMS, l'IPPF, Population Council et l'International Women's Health Coalition (Coalition).
Les parlementaires ont convenu que le moment est venu d'agir par le biais de solides, bien ciblée et efficace des programmes, que les donateurs ainsi que les gouvernements bénéficiaires ont une responsabilité partagée pour atteindre les OMD avec les gouvernements donateurs à créer des objectifs clairs, des échéances et des ressources et pour les pays bénéficiaires de mettre en place des mesures efficaces qui assureront la transparence et l'efficacité de l'utilisation de l'aide au développement.
Les parlementaires ont conclu à une très forte et des déclarations prospectives, intitulé «Appel aux parlementaires du G8 des chefs d'État et de gouvernement", qui sera livré au G8 des chefs d'État et de gouvernement. La déclaration, entre autres, invite les chefs d'État du G8 de ne pas réduire les niveaux de l'APD, à la lumière de la crise économique et de réaffirmer les engagements de fonds de US $ 60 milliards par le biais de l'aide publique au développement pour répondre aux besoins liés à la santé dans les pays en développement sur cinq ans y compris le soutien pour les systèmes de santé et de renforcer les efforts de lutte contre le sida, la tuberculose et le paludisme basé sur des plans d'action concrets et des calendriers précis, à investir dans la santé maternelle et infantile comme étant la plus rentable d'atteindre les Objectifs de développement du Millénaire, et à promouvoir l'égalité des sexes l'égalité en adoptant des politiques de développement qui protège les jeunes filles et de leurs droits, éduquer les jeunes filles et les garçons, l'autonomisation des femmes et des hommes à devenir des participants actifs à la ci-dessus.
Pour lire l'appel final, cliquez ici.
Source: Projet de mise à jour mensuelle RMA. Pour lire les numéros précédents et vous abonner, allez à:
Projet RMA crédits: GCAP Italie, Action Aid, AIDOS, DSW et EPF, ACPD, APDA et Interact Worldwide.
Recent gains in eradicating hunger and poverty endangered by economic and food crises
The report finds that more than halfway to the 2015 deadline to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), major advances in the fight against poverty and hunger have begun to slow or even reverse as a result of the global economic and food crises.
The assessment also warns that, despite many successes, overall progress has been too slow for most of the targets to be met by 2015.
Progress Needs to be Accelerated in Africa
The proportion of the population in sub-Saharan Africa living below the World Bank’s new international poverty line of $1.25 a day decreased from 55.7 per cent in 1990 to 50.3 per cent in 2005 – showing some progress, but far from the pace needed to reach the over-arching Millennium Development Goal of halving the rate of poverty by 2015, according to a just-released UN report.
Because of population growth, the number of people in sub-Saharan Africa living in extreme poverty actually grew by 100 million over this period.
The Millennium Development Goals Report 2008 provides statistical evidence of the progress that sub-Saharan Africa has made in addressing the multiple dimensions and causes of this extensive poverty.
As a sign of potentially better prospects in the future, the region’s total net enrolment ratio in primary education increased from 54 to 58 per cent between 1991 and 2000, and then accelerated to 71 per cent in 2006. Girls account for an increasing share of this total, with the gender parity index rising from 83 per cent in 1991 to 85 per cent in 2000 and 89 per cent in 2006. Despite these improvements, the region will have to intensify its efforts if it is to achieve the Goal of universal primary education by 2015 and the target of primary school gender equality, originally set for 2005. At the secondary level, there has been a slight deterioration in the gender parity ratio, with the number of girls enrolled falling from 82 per cent of the number of boys in 2000 to 80 per cent in 2006.
The UN report also points to accelerated, but narrow and insufficient improvements on the health front. Most notably, primarily thanks to the increasing availability of anti-retroviral drugs, the number of deaths from AIDS has halted its seemingly inexorable increase. The corollary is that, because infected people now survive longer, the number of those living with the disease continues to increase. Among these, the majority are women, who now account for almost 60 per cent of those with the disease in the region.
The proportion of people living with HIV who need treatment and are receiving antiretroviral therapy rose from 21 to 30 per cent between 2006 and 2007, mostly thanks to the substantial amount of public and private external funding provided for this purpose. Here again, despite the progress, there remain some 5 million people in the region who do not have access to the therapy they require.
The lack of health care services is among the factors that contribute to the high number of deaths of children under five years of age. From 184 deaths per 1000 births in 1990, infant mortality fell to 157 in 2007, but this remains almost twice the figure for Southern Asia, the region with the second highest rate.
There was almost no improvement in the region’s very high rate of maternal mortality between 1990 and 2005. A woman in sub-Saharan Africa has a 0.9 per cent chance of dying as a result of pregnancy or childbirth, again roughly more than twice the rate of the second-highest region, Southern Asia. A major reason is that, in 2006, less than half of all mothers-to-be were attended to by skilled health care personnel when giving birth. The intolerably high maternal mortality rate highlights the need for expanded and improved basic health services throughout the region, particularly in the rural areas.
The extent to which women are able to contribute to and benefit from development in the region has been increasing. Women accounted for 31 per cent of non-agricultural wage employment in 2006, compared to 25 per cent in 1990. But women are confined to the more unstable and insecure jobs: more than 80 per cent of women who work are self-employed or unpaid family workers. In terms of political participation, female representation in parliaments has more than doubled since 1990 and, at 17.3 per cent, is higher than the overall average in the developing world.
Full text of the Report (English) :
Press Release (English) :
Data used to prepare the report:
Rapport 2009 sur les objectifs du Millénaire
Les crises économiques et alimentaires mettent en péril les récentes avancées dans le domaine de l’éradication de la faim et de la pauvreté, révèle un rapport de l’ONU. Le Secrétaire général de l'ONU appellent les pays richent et pauvres à intensifier leurs efforts et à respecter les engagements en matière d'aide.
Alors qu’il reste moins de la moitié du chemin à parcourir avant la date butoir de 2015 pour la réalisation des objectifs du Millénaire pour le développement, les grands progrès dans la lutte contre la pauvreté et la faim commencent à ralentir, voire à s’inverser à cause des crises économiques et alimentaires mondiales, révèle un rapport sur le sujet publié par les Nations Unies.
Cette évaluation, que le Secrétaire général de l’ONU Ban Ki-moon a rendue publique à Genève, prévient qu’en dépit de nombreux succès, les progrès ont été trop lents dans l’ensemble pour atteindre la plupart des cibles fixées pour 2015.
Rapport 2009 - texte complet:
New DFID White Paper refocuses UK’s development aid
Key announcements in “Eliminating World Poverty: Building our Common Future” include:
- A renewed commitment to 0.7 per cent of UK Gross National Income (GNI) for international development, reaching .07% of GNI at £9bn per year by 2013;
- Measures to reduce maternal mortality rates and potentially save the lives of six million mothers and babies by 2015;
- Plans to support over eight million more children in Africa go to school;
- Doubling of funding to £1bn for African infrastructure including transport, energy and trade in the region;
- A tripling of funding to support developing countries to recover stolen assets, and new resources to Interpol, as part of a major effort to stamp out corruption; and
- Increased investment in the Central Emergency Response Fund for humanitarian aid at the UN
- Fifty per cent of new bilateral funding will be committed to fragile countries;
- Helping to ensure that security and justice are treated as a basic service – alongside health, education, water and sanitation – in the developing world with funding tripled to £120 m by 2014. This will include training police officers, setting up law courts and protecting women from violence; and
- A focus on jobs in five of the most vulnerable countries - Yemen, Nepal, Nigeria, Ethiopia and Afghanistan – where 7.5 million people will benefit from jobs and economic opportunities
- A quadrupling of funding to promote fair and ethical trade; and
- A new International Growth Centre to offer world class economic expertise and practical advice to poor countries
- Renewed commitment to £800m to support climate adaptation, low carbon growth and protection of forests; and
- The piloting of new low carbon innovation centres and a global climate change knowledge network
Nouveau livre blanc du DFID recentre l'aide au développement du Royaume-Uni
Principales annonces publiées dans «L'élimination de la pauvreté dans le monde:" Construire notre avenir commun »comprend:
- Un engagement renouvelé en faveur de 0,7 pour cent du Royaume-Uni, le revenu national brut (RNB) pour le développement international, pour atteindre ,07% du RNB à partir de £ 9bn par an pour 2013;
- Des mesures visant à réduire les taux de mortalité maternelle et potentiellement sauver la vie de six millions de mères et les bébés d'ici à 2015;
- Plans à l'appui de plus de huit millions d'enfants en Afrique vont à l'école;
- Doublement du financement à £ 1 milliard pour les infrastructures en Afrique, y compris le transport, l'énergie et du commerce dans la région;
- Un triplement des fonds pour appuyer les pays en développement à recouvrer les avoirs volés, et de nouvelles ressources à Interpol, en tant que partie d'un effort majeur visant à éradiquer la corruption et
- Augmentation de l'investissement dans le Fonds central d'intervention d'urgence pour l'aide humanitaire à l'ONU
- Cinquante pour cent des nouveaux accords bilatéraux de financement sera déterminé à des pays fragiles;
- Veiller à ce que la sécurité et la justice sont traitées comme un service de base - à côté de la santé, l'éducation, eau et assainissement - dans le monde en développement a triplé, avec un financement de 120 m £ en 2014. Cela comprendra la formation des agents de police, mise en place de tribunaux de droit et la protection des femmes contre la violence, et
- L'accent mis sur l'emploi dans cinq des pays les plus vulnérables - Yémen, Népal, Nigéria, Ouganda, l'Éthiopie et l'Afghanistan - où 7,5 millions de personnes bénéficieront de l'emploi et les possibilités économiques
- Un quadruplement de financement pour promouvoir le commerce équitable et éthique, et
- Un nouveau Centre international de la croissance à offrir une expertise de classe mondiale économique et des conseils pratiques aux pays pauvres
- Engagement renouvelé à £ 800 pour soutenir l'adaptation climatique, la croissance à faible émission de carbone et la protection des forêts, et
- Le pilotage de nouveaux centres d'innovation à faible teneur en carbone et un réseau de connaissances sur le changement climatique
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Résolution du Conseil des droits de l'homme sur la santé maternelle
La résolution sur la "Prévention de la mortalité maternelle et de morbidité et de droits de l'homme" reconnaît que les droits de l'homme est essentiel pour les réponses nationales et internationales à la mortalité maternelle et de morbidité.
Dans cette résolution, les gouvernements ont exprimé leur grave préoccupation pour le taux anormalement élevé de mortalité maternelle et de morbidité, de reconnaître que c'est une question de droits humains, et s'engager à accroître leurs efforts au niveau national et international pour protéger la vie des femmes et des filles dans le monde entier. Il s'agit d'une critique révolutionnaire que membres des Nations unies ont reconnu la nécessité d'aborder la santé maternelle en tant que question de droits humains.
Grâce à la résolution du Conseil des droits de l'homme, les gouvernements reconnaissent que l'élimination de la mortalité et morbidité maternelle exige la promotion et la protection des femmes et des filles des droits de l'homme, y compris leurs droits à la vie, à l'égalité dans la dignité, à l'éducation, à être libre de chercher, de recevoir et de répandre des informations, de bénéficier du progrès scientifique, à l'abri de la discrimination et de jouir du meilleur état de santé physique et mentale, y compris la santé sexuelle et reproductive.
Écoutez ce que Dr. Jotham Musinguzi, directeur régional de PPD BRA, avait à dire au sujet de la santé maternelle, lors d'une récente réunion d'information du Congrès des États-Unis le 5 Juin 2009, parrainée par l'Association des centres de population, Population Action International, Population Association of America, Population Council , Population Reference Bureau, Population Resource Center, et UCLA Center Bixby sur la population et la santé de la reproduction.
Dans sa présentation, le Dr Musinguzi souligné les effets de la mortalité maternelle - la perte de vie, les droits, et productivty - et la gamme de l'efficacité et à faible coût des stratégies visant à améliorer la santé des mères et des enfants. "Quel est le message?" Muzinguzi demandé en conclusion. "Aucune femme ne devrait perdre sa vie en donnant la vie."
Pourtant, chaque année, 265.000 femmes meurent pendant l'accouchement de causes évitables en Afrique sub-saharienne.
Le PPD ARO invite États membres des Nations Unies dans la mise en œuvre de la résolution du Conseil des droits de l'homme sur évitable de mortalité et de morbidité maternelle et les droits de l'homme de veiller à ce que l'étude thématique qui sera établi sera entièrement financé et mis en œuvre dans tous les pays africains.
La résolution est disponible à: 20Mortality% 20Resolution% 20HRC% 20_as% 20approved_.pdf
Un communiqué de presse des Nations Unies est en ligne à: (httpNewsByYear_en) / 10DF03F4ED78BD52C12575D8004D5215? OpenDocument
Human Rights Council Resolution on Maternal Health
The resolution on "Preventable maternal mortality and morbidity and human rights" recognizes that a human rights perspective is essential to international and national responses to maternal mortality and morbidity.
In this resolution, governments expressed grave concern for the unacceptably high rates of maternal mortality and morbidity, acknowledge that this is a human rights issue, and commit to enhance their efforts at the national and international level to protect the lives of women and girls worldwide. It is a critical breakthrough that UN member states have acknowledged the need to address maternal health as a human rights issue.
Through the Human Rights Council resolution, governments recognize that the elimination of maternal mortality and morbidity requires the effective promotion and protection of women and girls’ human rights, including their rights to life; to be equal in dignity; to education; to be free to seek, receive, and impart information; to enjoy the benefits of scientific progress; to freedom from discrimination; and to enjoy the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health, including sexual and reproductive health.
Hear what Dr. Jotham Musinguzi, Regional Director, PPD ARO, had to say about maternal health at a recent United States Congressional briefing on 5 June 2009, sponsored by the Association of Population Centers, Population Action International, Population Association of America, Population Council, Population Reference Bureau, Population Resource Center, and UCLA Bixby Center on Population and Reproductive Health.
In his presentation, Dr. Musinguzi pointed out the effects of maternal mortality—-the lost lives, rights, and productivty—-and the range of effective, low-cost strategies to improve the health of mothers and children. "What is the message?" Muzinguzi asked in conclusion. "No woman should lose her life while giving life."
Yet, every year, 265,000 mothers die in childbirth from preventable causes in sub-Saharan Africa.
The PPD ARO calls on United Nations member states as they implement the Human Rights Council Resolution on preventable maternal mortality and morbidity and human rights to ensure that the thematic study be fully funded and its recommendations implemented in all African countries.
The full resolution is available at:
A U.N. press release is online at:
Financement du développement dans le monde 2009 : Résumé des perspectives
Le rapport Global Development Finance (a) (rapport sur le financement du développement dans le monde), fait le point sur les perspectives de l’économie mondiale et explore l’approche globale qui sera nécessaire pour permettre une reprise à l’échelle internationale.
On prévoit une baisse importante de la croissance du PIB dans les pays en développement de 5,9 % en 2008 à 1,2 % en 2009. Cependant, leurs performances sont supérieures à celles des pays riches, dont la somme des PIB devrait baisser de 4,5 % en 2009. Il faut toutefois noter que si l’on déduit du total les PIB de l’Inde et de la Chine, les pays en développement, en tant que groupe, enregistrent une contraction de 1,6 % de leur PIB, ce qui représente une véritable régression en termes de réduction de la pauvreté.
Le site Internet Perspectives pour l’économie mondiale a été mis à jour et complète le rapport Global Development Finance en fournissant des prévisions détaillées, y compris pour les régions et les pays en développement. Deux régions (la région Europe et Asie centrale et la région Amérique latine et Caraïbes) sont susceptibles de terminer l’année 2009 avec une croissance négative.
Selon le rapport Global Development Finance, les pays en développement risquent d’être confrontés en 2009 à une situation très défavorable en matière de financement extérieur. Étant donné la forte chute des flux de capitaux privés, de nombreux pays auront du mal à satisfaire leurs besoins en termes de financement extérieur, estimés à 1 000 milliards de dollars.
Les flux de la dette privée et les prises de participation ne permettront probablement pas aux pays en développement, loin s’en faut, de satisfaire ces besoins. Ils pourraient connaître une pénurie de financement considérable, que l’on estime entre 350 et 635 milliards de dollars. Les flux de capitaux provenant de sources officielles, ainsi que le recours aux réserves étrangères, devraient contribuer à combler ce manque dans certains pays, mais dans d’autres, de rapides et drastiques ajustements macroéconomiques seront nécessaires.
Il faut enfin que les pays pauvres, dans lesquels la situation était déjà tendue (du fait notamment de la crise alimentaire et du carburant) reçoivent rapidement de l’aide. Ces pays ont peu ou pas accès aux capitaux privés, même lors des périodes favorables, et sont largement tributaires des donateurs pour obtenir les ressources indispensables à la réalisation, d’ici 2015, des objectifs de développement pour le Millénaire.
Qu'est-ce que cela signifie pour l'Afrique en particulier?
Production et des revenus dans la région ont été affectés négativement par la chute des prix, la baisse du volume de la demande de métal et les exportations minières, et la baisse des envois de fonds et le tourisme.
Et la note régional pour l'Afrique sub-saharienne ici:
Les données de chaque région est disponible ici sous forme de tableau:
Global Development Finance 2009: Outlook summary
The World Bank’s annual Global Development Finance (GDF) report, released earlier this week, updates the outlook for the global economy, and explores the broad approach that will be necessary to chart a worldwide recovery.
GDP growth in developing countries is expected to slow sharply, from 5.9 percent in 2008 to 1.2 percent in 2009. However, their performance surpasses rich countries, whose collective GDP is expected to fall 4.5 percent in 2009. Notably, when India and China are removed from the total, developing countries as a group will experience a contraction in GDP of 1.6 percent, a real setback for poverty reduction.
The updated Prospects for the Global Economy website that accompanies the GDF report contains detailed projections, including for developing regions and countries. Two regions— Europe and Central Asia and Latin America and the Caribbean—are likely to end 2009 with negative growth.
Developing countries are likely to face a dismal external financing climate in 2009, according to the GDF. With private capital flows declining dramatically, many countries will find it difficult to meet their external financing needs, estimated at $1 trillion.
Private debt and equity flows will likely fall short of meeting the external financing needs of developing countries by a wide margin, amounting to a gap estimated to range between $350 billion and $635 billion. Capital flows from official sources, plus tapping foreign reserves, will help fill the gap in some countries, but in others, there will—of necessity—be sharp and abrupt macro adjustments.
Finally, there is a very urgent need to recognize that poor countries that were already under strain—notably from suffering through the food and fuel crisis—should receive attention quickly. These countries have little or no access to private foreign capital even in good times, and are largely dependent on donors for the resources needed to meet the Millennium Development Goals, which have a due date of 2015.
What does this mean for Africa specifically?
Output and incomes in the region have been negatively affected by falling commodity prices, falling volume demand for metal and mineral exports, and declining remittances and tourism.
And the regional note for sub-Saharan Africa here:
Data for each region is available here in table form:
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
PPD ARO Newsletter 2009, Number 1
There is an increasingly broad consensus among African leaders that the region must address its family planning, population and reproductive health problems if it is to build a just and sustainable future. Indeed, the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development Cairo Programme of Action (ICPD PoA) called on developing countries and donor nations alike to meet these challenges. Achieving the ICPD PoA is a prerequisite to the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
PPD ARO works from within the African continent to push the reproductive health, population and development agenda. This is a critical mission. Africa still lacks adequate political will and commitment among policymakers on the benefits of sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR). There is still a lack of adequate understanding and appreciation among policymakers of the impact of poor sexual and reproductive health and rights on poverty alleviation and their linkages to population and development. The price of policymaker inaction is also not well-known. Thus, there is urgent need for increased political will among African leaders to be accountable for the commitments they made through the ICPD, MDGs and other regional and international frameworks for addressing SRHR. This is the impetus of the work of PPD ARO.
Over the past two years, PPD ARO has continued to carry out its programme interventions that revolve around its major strategic thrusts of advocacy and policy dialogue; networking and building strategic partnerships in the region as well sharing of experiences and good practices. This newsletter brings you news of the PPD ARO’s advocacy for reproductive health. It is my great pleasure to welcome you all to read it.
2- Working with Parliamentarians
Aware of the role they play as key stockholders, PPD ARO works in close collaboration with Parliamentarians as well as other partners to address specific objectives focusing on putting SRHR high in the development agenda.
In order for reproductive health services, including family planning, to reach men, women and young people, more resources must be made available. Parliamentarians must play their legislative, representative, budget appropriation, and oversight roles to ensure that SRHR is included in development planning and funding mechanisms and engage with government in shaping, implementing and monitoring appropriate national development policies.
PPD ARO hosted a High Level regional meeting of Parliamentary Committees on Health in East Southern Africa, 16-18 September 2008, in Kampala, Uganda. The meeting was attended by members from Parliamentary committees responsible for health from twelve (12) countries in East and Southern Africa, as well as officers from government, development partner agencies and civil society organizations.
The major objective of the meeting was to increase leadership for RH, population and development within the continent. During the meeting, policymakers were informed about the existing regional enabling policy frameworks in the field of Reproductive Health (RH), Population and Development. These include Africa Union Health Strategy; Maputo Plan of Action; and Abuja Declaration. The policymakers were also exposed to and internalized international consensuses like International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) Programme of Action; Paris Declaration and Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) as well as enabling financing mechanisms like the Global Fund; PEPFAR; and SWAps. The outcome of the meeting was the Kampala Resolutions in which commitments were made to support and promote RH, population and development agenda in the region.
In the Kampala Resolutions, representatives made commitments that they will pursue for the next year. They agreed that “Parliaments must work towards national, regional and international commitments made to protect and advance the right to health and the commitment to equity in health, primary health care and sexual and reproductive heath rights (SRHR) at all levels in East and Southern Africa” including the 2000 African Union Heads of state Abuja declaration and Plan of Action and the Maputo Plan of Action (2006), which work within the framework of the commitments and plans made in relation to the Millennium Development Goals and the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD).
In particular, the group noted, “the importance of implementing the Maputo Plan of Action to enhance SRHR to enable governments to achieve population goals to provide the necessary conditions for economic and social empowerment and development” and resolved to “ensure that such comprehensive SRHR services include Reproductive Health supplies (for commodity security), government funding for antiretrovirals (ARV) for adults and children, community mobilization on SRHR that involves men, especially in vulnerable communities and for adolescents and youth and education of girl children.”
And within the coming year, the group pledged to “prepare and make budget submissions that . . . Include necessary resource allocations for SRHR and for RH supplies (for commodity security)” and “obtain national population and reproductive health policies and national action plans and request report on progress in their funding and implementation.”
Mr. Joyti Singh, PPD Permanent Observer to the UN, spoke about the ICPD and the MDGs. Mr. Singh said that there are strong linkages between the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals and universal access to reproductive health services in the ICPD Programme of Action (1994).
Hon. Dr. Mallinga also called upon African Heads of State to uphold their commitments to allocate 15% of national budgets to health made in the Abuja Declaration on HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Other Related Infectious Diseases.
Ms. Jackson also called for Parliaments to popularize the Maputo Plan of Action, as “it is Africa’s own designed framework for attaining universal access to SRH and reproductive rights in Africa.”
Read more about the meeting in an earlier blog post:
The full resolution document is posted on the PPD ARO website at:
The full meeting report is online at:
3- Meetings with Partner Country Coordinators (PCCs)
PPD Africa Regional Office has hosted two Annual Partners Country Coordinators’ (PCC) meetings for the Africa Region. The first one was held 26-29 September 2007 in Kampala, Uganda. The second meeting was held a year later, from 23-27 September 2008, also in Kampala, Uganda.
Participation by Partner Country Coordinators (PCCs) in both meetings has been over 90 percent. In addition non-member collaborating country representatives (Ghana, Ethiopia and Tanzania) and other guests representing donors, collaborating organizations and outside partners attended these meetings. The main objectives of the meetings were to review the implementation of South-South programmes by member countries, to share experiences, strengths, lessons and good practices and to plan future efforts for South-South collaboration for reproductive health and population and development.
During the 2008 meeting, capacity-building sessions focusing on advocacy, resource mobilization and leadership for reproductive health both at country level as well as within the African region were held. PCCs found the sessions useful and acknowledged that these were crucial in enhancing their work. Recommendations made from the 2008 meeting were that a country South-South taskforce/Deputy PCC should be put in place, capacity for resource mobilization both at country, network and regional level needs to be built, a communication strategy for PCCs needs to be developed and the Southern Africa Reproductive Health Advocacy Network (SARHN) and Western Africa Reproductive Health Advocacy Network (WARHN) should be re-invigorated.
4- International Forum: ICPD @15: Progress and Prospects
PPD in collaboration with the Government of Uganda organized the International Forum on ICPD @ 15: Progress and Prospects. This forum was the first of such events to celebrate the fifteenth anniversary of the ICPD. The forum was held in Kampala, Uganda, 24-25 September 2008 and was attended by over 200 participants. The purpose of the International Forum was to critically analyze the progress made in the implementation of ICPD Program of Action.
The Forum was formally inaugurated by H.E. Mrs. Janet Museveni, Honourable First Lady of the Republic of Uganda in the presence of H.E. Dr. Stephen Malinga, the Ugandan Minister of Health, PPD Chairperson and Minister of National Population and Family Planning Commission of China H.E. Dr. Lin Bin, UNFPA Deputy Executive Director Mrs. Purnima Mane, PPD Executive Director Mr. Harry Jooseery and Regional Director PPD ARO, Dr, Jotham Musinguzi.
Other participants included Ministers, PPD Board Members, and senior officials including PCCs, Members of Parliament, high level Representatives from donor agencies including Packard Foundation, Hewlett Foundation, Venture Strategies and representatives of international and national non–governmental organizations, resource persons and members of the academic community.
The participants at the International Forum reviewed, discussed and made recommendation on the salient issues such as reproductive health and population; HIV/AIDs; reproductive health commodity security; new and challenging issues such as climate change. After two days of intense deliberations, the forum adopted the Kampala Declaration. The declaration included recommendations to further population and reproductive health programmes and reposition family planning in the development agenda through active advocacy. In addition, the declaration called upon PPD and its members to strengthen national level support structures for planning and implementing South-South cooperation programmes and to improve networking among member countries and partner institutions.
More information is available at:
5- Additional Information:
5.1 About the Accra Agenda for Action
From September 2-4, 2008, donor countries, recipient countries, and civil society organizations met for a High Level Forum (HLF3) in Accra, Ghana to assess progress on the implementation of the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness and to agree to an agenda for action. The Accra High Level Forum ended with the adoption of the Accra Agenda for Action (AAA) through which the international community reaffirmed its commitment to achieve progress in the implementation of the Paris Declaration and intensify efforts to attain the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
At the end of the meeting the endorsed statement to accelerate and deepen implementation of the Paris declaration on Aid Effectiveness (2 March 2005) focused on the following:
- Commitment to eradicating poverty and promoting peace and prosperity by building stronger, more effective partnerships that enable developing countries to realize their development goals;
- Strengthening Country Ownership over Development by supporting developing countries to determine and implement their development policies to achieve their own economic, social and environmental goals as agreed as a priority in the Paris Declaration;
- Building More Effective and Inclusive Partnerships for Development including all actors. Such partnerships are most effective when they fully harness the energy, skills and experience of all development actors—bilateral and multilateral donors, global funds, CSOs, and the private sector. To reduce costly fragmentation of aid, donors and developing countries will work together with the Working Party on Aid Effectiveness to complete good practice principles under a country‐led division of labor.
- Delivering and Accounting for Development Results. The focus on delivering results should focus on strengthening the quality of policy design, improving information systems to assess the impact of development policy and making necessary adjustments.
- Transparency and accountability are essential for development results. Developing countries have to facilitate parliamentary oversight by implementing greater transparency in public financial management, including public disclosure of revenues, budgets, expenditures, procurement and audits.
Ownership: Development will be successful and sustained, and aid fully effective only when the recipient country takes the lead in determining its own development goals and priorities and sets the agenda for how they are to be achieved. Developing countries will set their own strategies for development, improve institutions and tackle corruption.
Alignment: For aid to be effective, partners must develop credible national development strategies, and donors must support and use strengthened local systems.
Harmonization: Donor aid will be more effective if all donors would adopt common procedures to harmonize aid delivery, including coordinating their actions, simplifying procedures, using common approaches and rationalizing the division of labour to reduce fragmentation and duplication.
Managing for Development Results: Donors and partner countries must manage and implement aid in a way that focuses on achieving results; this entails a shift in focus from inputs to the achievement of measurable outcomes. Both developing countries and donors need to focus on producing and measuring results.
Mutual Accountability: Donors and partners must be equally responsible for development results and work together to establish mutually agreed frameworks that provide reliable assessments of performance, transparency and accountability of country systems.
For more information, please refer to:
6-About PPD ARO
Partners in Population and Development, Africa Regional Office (PPD ARO) was established in 2006 by the Board of Partners in Population and Development to intensify its activities in Africa by establishing a regional presence. The Africa Regional Office opened in February 2007 in Kampala, Uganda with the mandate to coordinate a renewed and concerted effort to realize the Vision of ―a continent that meets its reproductive health needs promotes the population and development agenda and thereby addresses poverty, through South-South cooperation.
PPD ARO, as part of the global South-South inter-governmental alliance, provides a platform for the promotion of and resource mobilization for Reproductive Health, Population and Development in Africa through three mission elements: 1) Policy dialogue; 2) Networking and building strategic partnerships in the region; and 3) Sharing of experiences and good practices.
An illustrated version of this newsletter is available in pdf format at: Please read the version most suitable to your bandwidth.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Third EQUINET Regional Conference on Equity in Health in East and Southern Africa
Speke Conference Center, Munyonyo, Kampala, Uganda
September 23-25, 2009
The conference starts the morning of 23rd September and closes on the afternoon of 25th September. Pre- and post-conference workshops will be held on the 21st to the 27th of September, depending on the session.
Topics to be covered at the Third EQUINET Regional Conference on Equity in Health include:
- Claiming rights to health
- Equitable health services
- Globalisation and women’s health
- Social empowerment in health systems
- Fairly resourcing health systems
- Equity in health services responses to AIDS
- Participatory, PHC approaches to health priorities
- Valuing and retaining health workers
- Building Parliamentary alliances and people’s power in health
- Policy engagement for health equity
- Trade and health
- Access to health care: addressing barriers in vulnerable groups
- "Eye on Equity" approaches to keeping a watch on equity
- Country alliances and regional networking
Programme Information is online at:
Registration closes on June 30:
There are also a number of workshops to be held in conjunction with the conference:
- Communicating Research Evidence to Influence Policy - Convenor : African Population and Health Research Center; September 26 2009
- BANG – the Next Technological Challenge to Africa’s Health and Well-being Convener: ETC Group; September 26th 2009
- Participatory approaches to strengthening youth and health worker relations: The ‘Auntie Stella’ Toolkit- Convenor : Training and Research Support Centre; September 26 2009
- Health Policy Analysis- Convenor : University of Cape Town ; September 22 2009
- Experiences in Using participatory Methods for Health- Convenor : TARSC and Ifakara Health Institute; September 21 and 22 2009
- Writing Skills for Publication in Peer Reviewed Journals- Convenor : TARSC September 26 2009
- Building Health Literacy Capacities at Community Level- Convenor : TARSC, CWGH; September 26 and 27 2009
Saturday, June 6, 2009
African HIV/AIDS Program Drastically Affected by Global Financial Crisis
Botswana, South Africa, Zambia, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Zimbabwe are some of the countries hardest hit by the economic downturn. These countries' export revenues have dropped, severely affecting revenue flow for government expenditure on critical HIV/AIDS programs.
Program cuts have already been announced throughout the region. Tanzania introduced a 25% cut to its annual HIV/AIDS budget, and the Botswana government declared that it will not include new patients in its free antiretroviral treatment program from 2016 onwards.
Major international donor organizations are also being hit by the financial crisis. The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria announced a $4 billion dollar budget shortfall for essential services in 2010. In addition, the group faces a $10.7 billion funding gap for the regional implementation of their Global Plan to Stop TB.
Health advocates are pressing African governments and international aid organizations to stick by their commitments to improve HIV/AIDS care, arguing that the right to heath treatment is non-negotiable.
“In the last few months, we have seen trillions of dollars spent on financial bailouts to stimulate economic recovery,” said Nonkosi Khumalo, a women's health program coordinator at the South African Treatment Action Campaign, speaking at a recent meeting of HIV/AIDS coalitions in Cape Town. “A tiny portion of this sum could have bought quality, sustainable healthcare for millions of people.”
According to the 2009 World Bank report, "Averting a Human Crisis During the Global Downturn", countries in Eastern and Southern Africa are the most vulnerable. Researchers estimate the negative impact of this crisis will affect 70% of people on ARV treatment in Africa within the next 12 months. Apart from countries such as Botswana and South Africa, most countries have limited fiscal space they can use to cushion the impact of a decline in international aid, the World Bank says.
The complete article "Global Financial Woes Roil AIDS Fight" by Sifelani Tsiko can be found here:
The World Bank has more information on the impacts of the Global Financial Crisis at:
Update, 23 June 2009:
World Bank Report Predicts Contracting Global Economy Will Hurt Poorest Countries
The World Bank released a report Monday, projecting "a 2.9 percent contraction in global GDP this year, as rich countries contract by 4.5 percent," the Wall Street Journal reports. "The crisis of the past two years is having dramatic effects on capital flows to developing countries, and the world appears to be entering an era of lower growth," World Bank Chief Economist Justin Lin said (Burns, Wall Street Journal, 6/22).
The report -- which was issued at a conference in Seoul, South Korea -- forecasts more dire predictions than those the World Bank made just months ago and contrasts with the views of "its sister organization, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) ... which is forecasting a global contraction of only 1.3 percent this year and growth of 2.4 percent in 2010," Bloomberg/Los Angeles Times reports. "[W]hile a global recovery may begin this year, impoverished economies will lag behind rich nations in benefiting," the newspaper writes. "The lender called for 'bold' actions to hasten a rebound and said the prospects for securing aid for the poorest countries were 'bleak'" (Bloomberg/Los Angeles Times, 6/22).
CNN reports, "Developing countries will be hit hard by falls in private investment ... seeing nearly $1 trillion less in foreign investment this year than they did two years ago" (CNN, 6/22). "The real challenge is going to be to manage going through this period of very slow growth, to keep government programs that are critical for longer term growth (infrastructure, health and education policies)," Andrew Burns, acting manager of the World Bank's Global Trends Team, told VOA News. Burns said that in response to the growing need, the World Bank "is stepping up lending to the region" -- with plans to lend about "$33 billion this year and next year" (DeCapua, VOA News, 6/22).