Upcoming Anglophone Course on “Achieving the Millennium Development Goals: Poverty Reduction, Reproductive Health and Health Sector Reform” by The World Bank Institute, NCAPD (Government of Kenya) and the ECSA/Commonwealth Secretariat.
The course is full-time, from November 18-25, 2008 in Nairobi, Kenya. The course integrates three thematic clusters:
1. New Policy Directions: MDGs Related to Health and Gender, and Poverty Reduction Strategies
2. Design and Delivery of Health Services and Programs
3. Health Services and Health Sector Reform which are presented through a combination of presentations, readings, case examples and group work.
Objective: To provide state-of-the-art knowledge and skills for key stakeholders to design and deliver more efficient, equitable, and financially sustainable health interventions in the context of health sector reforms and evolving international policies.
Audience: Staff from governments, donor agencies, international organizations, the private sector, PVOs/NGOs, training and research institutions involved in health and government-initiated health sector reforms in World Bank client countries working in the areas of health, public administration or social sector reform.
Target Countries: Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda
Language: English
For more information, please review: http://info.worldbank.org/etools/wbi_learning/activity.cfm?sch_id=HNP08-01-232
PPD member and collaborating countries can also contact: Mr. Charles N. Oisebe, PPD PCC for Kenya and Senior Programme Officer, Programme Coordination, National Coordinating Agency for Population and Development (NCAPD), Government of Kenya